Sunday, September 14, 2008

100th Post!! Cover (work in progress)

I think I've now done about 20 versions of the cover for LONELY MONSTERS but this is my favourite so far, and with a little more tweaking will be the published cover. LONELY MONSTERS will launch in November and be available at Gallery 696 (696 Sydney Road, Brunswick, VIC, 3056) and Cafepress.

The Cafepress copies will be done in the usual Cafepress way.

The 696 copies are being printed locally in partnership with 696 and will come packaged with a CD Soundtrack (contributions TBA as I don't want to jinx it). There will also be a 1 night yard show on November 7th to launch the book, with some limited edition prints and t-shirts available on the night (plus some real zombies stumbling around making people feel uncomfortable).


1 comment:

Kylie said...

cover looks amazing Matt, can't wait to see the finished graphic novel.