Saturday, December 22, 2007


2007 is drawing to a close, and it's been a pretty chaotic year. I spent a good chunk of time working on someone elses project which hit a wall, the negatives of which have been left behind, and the positive results being a more refined approach to my art and a stronger focus on getting my own projects out into the world.

December saw the release of the first issue of my first project "Lonely Monsters", an ongoing comic series with a planned 5 year run. While getting LM off the ground I also did some DVD and set design work for Surface Tension's "EXIT" project (keep your eyes peeled for more info on that, the concept and the people behind it are all amazing). I'll be doing storyboard work with them in 2008 while continuing to release Lonely Monsters on a regular basis, along with a range of prints, t-shirts, and much more.

So to the people reading this who have encouraged and inspired me....thank you!

To those that did the opposite....thank you also, as sometimes the best lessons in life are learnt by watching others do the wrong thing ;-)


Thursday, December 6, 2007


The first issue of my new ongoing comic series LONELY MONSTERS is now available at along with a range of new shirts, prints, and other random things.
