Saturday, December 22, 2007


2007 is drawing to a close, and it's been a pretty chaotic year. I spent a good chunk of time working on someone elses project which hit a wall, the negatives of which have been left behind, and the positive results being a more refined approach to my art and a stronger focus on getting my own projects out into the world.

December saw the release of the first issue of my first project "Lonely Monsters", an ongoing comic series with a planned 5 year run. While getting LM off the ground I also did some DVD and set design work for Surface Tension's "EXIT" project (keep your eyes peeled for more info on that, the concept and the people behind it are all amazing). I'll be doing storyboard work with them in 2008 while continuing to release Lonely Monsters on a regular basis, along with a range of prints, t-shirts, and much more.

So to the people reading this who have encouraged and inspired me....thank you!

To those that did the opposite....thank you also, as sometimes the best lessons in life are learnt by watching others do the wrong thing ;-)


Thursday, December 6, 2007


The first issue of my new ongoing comic series LONELY MONSTERS is now available at along with a range of new shirts, prints, and other random things.


Monday, November 26, 2007

New Shirts Online!

Just put a few new t-shirt designs online (see below), go check them out at

I'd planned on posting some of the images on the blog but the Blogger is being a pain in the ass, will try and get some new pictures online asap.

Issue #1 of Lonely Monsters is now complete and being prepped for printing, all things are still on schedule for a December release.


Friday, November 2, 2007

Some more art

Technical issues have kept me from updating so here are 2 pics to feast your eyes on.

1st is a reworking of one of my original LM designs that I can't seem to let go of :-)

2nd is a sexy little zombie killer that will be a regular character in the comic itself.

More soon Matt

Thursday, October 25, 2007


A potential cover that will now end up on Cafepress as a postcard. Trying to decide on a final piece for the cover of issue one is a nightmare!

More images coming soon (including a few very sinister things).


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Cover Ideas and other things

Here are 2 scrapped wrap-around covers, I'll probably use the images somewhere.

I think the format for Lonely Monsters is now finalised.

40 pages every 2 months =

28 comic pages +
4 page back-up story +
4 page sketchbook +
4 page essay by The Graveyard Tramp (

This will be followed by a yearly collection of the main story.

And it's all looking to be on track for a december launch.


Monday, October 8, 2007


Hi folks

Just a quick note to let you all know that the Lonely Monsters online store is now up and running. At this stage I've got a range of different zombie-related merchandise for you to sink your teeth into, and the first issue of Lonely Monsters itself will be available to purchase from the site sometime in December.

Go along to and check it out!!


Friday, September 14, 2007


Yet another undead fiend.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Zombie Girl

Another possible promo image.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Flyer design

Work in progress to be printed as a flyer, should be handing these out at Armageddon Con in October (in Melbourne). First issue of Lonely Monsters is moving along and on track for being published later in the year.

More soon.
